BracketPT Sponsors & Donors

2017 BracketPT PT Pub Night

Our goal with BracketPT is to get all PTs, PT students, assistants, and all who love and appreciate them to join a single, nationwide tournament bracket. We want nationwide participation — and the best part: this is all for a charity that directly benefits the PT profession!

PT Pub Night® has identified the Foundation for Physical Therapy as our beneficiary for 2017, a national nonprofit organizations that exists to fund and publicize PT research that determines the scientific basis and value of services intended to optimize physical functioning by PTs. The Foundation for Physical Therapy is the embodiment of our vision as PTs: to change the face of healthcare by providing a society that thrives on mobility with the research needed to optimize functional movement. How cool is that?

All net proceeds donated through BracketPT entry -- about the price of a pint of beer -- will be donated to the Foundation for Physical Therapy. So register, fill out your bracket, have some fun, and support a great cause!

Final Standings Are In

The tournament is finished and the final results are published. Congratulations to the winners! Thank you for playing in the contest.


Standings will be available once the first match result is known.

BracketPT Scoring

Pick wisely!

BracketPT is scoring on a point system, so your scoring opportunities increase with each round your teams advance. Here's how it works:

  • Second Round correct picks receive 2 point(s)
  • Third Round correct picks receive 4 point(s)
  • Sweet Sixteen correct picks receive 8 point(s)
  • Elite Eight correct picks receive 16 point(s)
  • Final Four correct picks receive 32 point(s)
  • Championship correct picks receive 64 point(s)
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